The Story Thus Far

Index of the Story in Order

The Beginnings of A Druid's Tale
The birth of a Druid into the land of Azeroth ushers in a time of rejoicing and celebration.  But there is more to this young Kaldorei then meets the eye.

After awakening to a new world around him.  Draccus comes to see the power of community and undergoes a transformation that links him forever to his people. 

Times of Raising Them Up
Through the adventures of childhood with dear friends, Draccus begins to see more of the adult world.  This revelation starts him questioning where he might fight in.

To Moonglade For The First Time
The ancient region of Moonglade has been the safe haven and center for the Cenarion Circle for ages.  Towards this place of honor and commencement that the young Night Elves travel. 

Part 1: The First Experience With Cat-Form
Traveling the landscape is not as easy as some would think.  Three Night Elves meet with their first Druid in the wilderness and a lesson is learned.

Part 2: Figuring Out The Feline Within
To become a Druid and undergo the many transformations requires reverence and careful reflection.  A change that takes place will lead to many great changes in the future.

Emerald Elysium - Druid's Dream Escape
Something goes terribly wrong and the consequences cost dearly.  There is a lot of time recollection in this passage, but the theme leaves a permanent impact on Draccus's life.

Emerald Elysium- Into The Wilds
To escape is not always the answer to a life altering problem.  Sometimes the unlikeliest sources of hope and light come from getting lost in a rain storm.

Two Worlds Merging
A friendship beings to grow between a Hunter and a feral Cat.  They are faced with the ongoing conflicts that come from living in a world of warcraft.

Part 1: Gratitude Out of Grieving
The bloody conflict of warfare is felt and seen most deeply here.  In the midst of tragedy there are small tokens of hope and reasons to give thanks.

Part 2: Giving Generous Grace
The Saga turns a major chapter as Draccus regains his Night Elf form and confronts the consequences of his actions.

   Time in the Emerald Dream has served its purpose and equipped Draccus Moonsayer with a gift all would benefit to carry with them.

A Friend in Feralas
The return to Azeroth turns out to be an unexpected adventure and challenge for Draccus as he has to call on the powers of Nature and confront a friend from his past.

The Danger of Druids and Daggers
Draccus has taken the next step in his journey and it leads to strange places. He is at the mercy of the Horde unexpectedly.

Delgadita's Account & A Gifted Secret Lantern
Another perspective on the events happening in Camp Mojache and the brutality of the Horde. A gift given out of compassion to light the way.

more coming soon......